Reflection on when you are at rock bottom.

By Shiftrox_ | True Reflection | 7 Nov 2024




I was watching a movie with my daughter, a 3D animation called “Sing”, you’ve probably already seen or heard about it, it arrived on Netflix recently (Well, I think it was recent), anyway, at a certain point in the movie, One character says to another something similar to the following sentence:

“The good thing about being at rock bottom is that there is only one direction to go.”

And I was left thinking about this. Truly, when we are at rock bottom, at the edge of the earth, there are only two options: to stay there, crying and inert in that situation, or to climb up, get out of there, go up and reach freedom. I found this super poetic, of course. that the example of the film gives us a positive feeling, that only upwards is the solution, the way out.

Now, how many times have we hit rock bottom? How many times have we reached a point where we think there is no turning back? It really is good think about it, that sometimes the end is what marks a new beginning, that sometimes illness can be the cure. This cure is hypothetical, it is a fictitious example that we will go through trials until we reach the peak, the place we want to reach.


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This has certainly happened at some point in your life or mine, so I thought it was really cool to hear this. Being at rock bottom wants to say that you need to gather your energy, your willpower and climb, a little at a time, until you can get out of there. You need to have this faith, this will and perhaps above all patience to understand that we can spend days or years at rock bottom, but that this is not the end.

How many times have things gone wrong? How many times has everything you planned not worked out? ? Countless and this will continue to happen, until the end of our lives, but the choice is ours, to remain still or to move to change this situation. That's why I was happy to see this kind of message in an animation aimed at children and teenagers. (why not?), which show us that despite the difficulties, we can turn the game around.

As usual, this can be applied to Hive as well. Remember that post that didn't do well, didn't get a good amount of revenue or had little interaction? Well, Do you give up and get discouraged the first time you try, or do you think about what you'll do tomorrow to try again to do something incredible? If you happen to invest in something that went wrong, do you also stop, or do you learn from your mistakes to improve?

Finally, we must take this message forward. Rock bottom is not the end, quite the opposite, it is the challenge we need to look up and understand that the good thing about it is that there is only one direction to follow.


This text was originally written by me and was published on Hive Blockchain, a web3 social network.

You can check out the original post at this link:

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