Travel back in time at Yachiyoza Theatre

By cryotosensei | travelinJapan | 15 Jan 2025

Located in Yamaga in the northern part of Kumamoto Prefecture, Yachiyoza Theater showed its first kabuki performance in 1911 and has been exhibiting the many complexities of human nature ever since. 

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But even if you are not keen on kabuki performances, Yachiyoza Theater is still worth a visit. Divided into a main audience hall and an upper gallery, Yachiyoza Theater offers a rare and enlightening glimpse into Japanese society as its colourful and intricately decorated ceiling tiles were actual product advertisements from the early 20th century. A microcosm of life in that era, indeed.

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After admiring the myriad advertisements, ranging from rice and sake to stationery and futons, be sure to go backstage and learn about how the stage itself is operated by humans turning a revolving turntable.

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Yamaga also holds a light festival called “Yamaga Lantern Festival” or “Yokagura-kankusai” in February every year, where the rustic feel of Yachiyoza Theater is complemented nicely by eye-catching colorful paper umbrellas and intriguing hand-carved bamboo lanterns.

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