Murder Hornet's Bane Cocktail & Ingredients

Murder Hornet's Bane Cocktail Recipe

Murder Hornet's Bane

Created 5-7-2020 by

A smokey honey & lightly herbal Rye Whiskey cocktail with a lingering hint of hot pepper.


2.75 oz Michter's Straight Kentucky Rye Whiskey
1.5 oz Lime Juice (Fresh)
1 oz Raw Honey Syrup (2:1 Ratio of Raw Unfiltered Honey/Filtered Water Mixture)
1/4 oz Dry Curacao Liqueur (Pierre Ferrand)
1/2 Tsp Heavily Peated (Smokey) Islay Scotch Whisky (Laphroaig 10yr)
1/2 Tsp Xtabentun D'Aristi Rum/Honey/Anise Liqueur
5 Dashes Smoked Chili Bitters (Hella)

Shake over ice 10 seconds and strain into a chilled double-whiskey or Mai Tai glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with plenty of fresh mint, a spent lime shell and twist of orange peel.

Cheers & thanks for the tips! The more tips I receive, the more new recipes I can create & new bottles I can stock in my bar. -KK

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Kahuna Kevin
Kahuna Kevin

Tiki Cocktail Bar Guide Author since 2009

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