Differing Studies, such as psychology, should have their own primary language to discuss and evolve said Study. Using specific languages with a propencity to communicate complex terms and ideas in short phrases, such as German with Psychology and Chinese with Living Philosophy, Et Cetera. We could say, a relative to todays scientific terms that are shared among collegues around the world. This would begin the start of something beautiful.
If executed properly it could change the speed we communicate and understand each other. Take for example paraphrasing a passage, you cut off unnecessary 'fat' and make it easier to 'digest'. It would be this, on sterioids, focused down to bare essentials in said Study, unlike the expansive things that our everyday conversations can lead to or mean.
Practically creating a new language for the more intensive Studies.
TL;DR__ Complex ideas that get compressed into working phrases and words that then evolve to bring more information and 'complexity', plus facilitate our form of verbal and written communication.
[I hope to expand with the idea in a chapter on The Connection Between Language Evolution and Societal Realities(not working title >_>)]
What are your thoughts on this and how can we expand on it? Leave a reply below :)