I thought I would get this out as quickly as possible. In the hope that as many of you out there that are affected will be able to see it before you update your drivers.
The new NVIDIA driver reengages the LHR
If you have been mining on your NVIDIA 3000 series cards with LHR you probably have enjoyed the extra hashrate the LHR unlock has gotten you. But of course, NVIDIA could not let that stand. There are still 1½ month-ish until the Merge. So we can't possibly let the GPU miners use all of the GPU for mining, despite them buying and paying for the GPU.
So they have now pushed their new drivers v510.85.02 as well as the v515 driver al reengages the LHR on the GPUs. Meaning you will be back to mining with the handbrake still on if you update to the new drivers.
If you have updated then try and find one of the old versions and reapply that. And if you are updating the drivers in HiveOS then you can follow Hiveon´s instructions to be able to update to a new non LHR driver:
When updating drivers for LHR cards, nvidia-driver-update should be used with the -s or --stable switch, to ensure v510.73.05 is installed instead
I hope that you were able to see this news before you updated so it saved you a lot of work reverting the drivers on your LHR cards. What are your thoughts on NVIDIA and this new stunt they are pulling? Personally, I think they should just remove the LHR themself. Please share your thoughts in the comments down below.
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Picture provided by: https://pixabay.com/