List of Banano (BAN) Faucets

By AverageVancouverite | TheMiningBlog | 21 May 2022

Here is a list of Banano (BAN) faucets I put together! As of May 21st, 2022, these faucets are active and currently have coins available to be claimed. 

What is a Faucet?

A faucet is generally an app or website that allows users to claim small amounts of coins, typically after a small task like filling in a captcha. These faucets usually exist to promote a certain coin, token, or project and its community. While they can provide free coins once in a while, don't expect them to make you rich! 

What is Banano (BAN)?

Banano (BAN) is a fee-less, instant cryptocurrency forked from Nano (XNO, formerly, NANO) on April 1st, 2018. The original total supply was jus over 3.4 billion coins, but after several occasions where coins were burnt, the current total supply is roughly 1.9 billion coins. Some people say that Banano is a great way for those who may not be too familiar with cryptocurrencies to dip their toes in and get a taste.



Other Faucets

I hope this helps! Of course, please let me know if I missed any in the comments so I can update this list! Enjoy the free Bananos! 




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Hey there! I'm just an average Vancouverite who has been mining for several years now, and have used everything from GPUs to ASICs and from CPUs to USB miners! I also write about global news with the World International News Group and do some photography!


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