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Regen Network -Block chain for agriculture

By Dileep Kumar | theguywhowrites | 22 Jun 2021

The climate change and land degradation- Fact Check.

NOAA(National center for Environment Information) May 2021 data shows global surface temperature was 0.81°C (1.46°F) above the 20th century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F). This value tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest May in the 142-year record

As per the article published in “SpringerLink” with the heading- “Assessment of land degradation ‘on the ground’ and from ‘above’”

The results based on NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation index) measures show that land degradation occurred in about 51%, 41%, 23% and 22% of the terrestrial areas in Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia and Kenya, respectively, between the 1982 and 2016 periods.

No matter which country you live in this is going to be a serious problem unless control measures are implemented.

Everyone knows the solution, but..

What I mentioned above is not new information, we feel it every day and we live on top of that.

So, we better look for solutions

The major backbone of such a solution is building a sustainable environment. Key player in this sustainability fight is “Healthy Soil”.

Scientist says by research that we can go carbon neutral with just 0.4% increase in soil carbon , which is the key element in healthy soil.

What Regen Network tries to achieve?

Regen network is a block chain technology that track, verify and reward positive changes in our ecological system.

Gathering and verifying ecological data which comes from satellites, sensors and on the ground observation, which provides proof of land health which is the uploaded to a data marketplace. Then government and institutions can verify this ecological data directly.

Regen network also provide way to incentivise this outcome by direct financial rewards.

Regen network aims to reinventing agriculture economy by re aligning short time economic gains with long time ecological growth.

Regen Network System Architecture

The Regen Ledger contains three major blocks
Ecological Protocol Framework

Regen Ledger provides three core ecological protocol frameworks:

• Ecological State Protocols (ESPs) define the algorithms and conditions necessary to verify a certain state or change of state on a piece of land

• Ecological Contracts (ECs) allow us to fund and reward desired change in ecological state

• Supply Protocols (SPs) allow us to tie ecological state into supply chains in trusted ways

Network Components

Regen Ledger

Regen Ledger is a domain-specific, public block chain built on top of the Tender mint consensus engine. It is built with the assumption that the most secure way to support its target functionality is through domain-specific frameworks first and full-fledged programming languages second.


An attestation on the block chain, used to unlock a smart contracted reward for improvements in ecosystem health, is only as good as the data that is used. In order to triangulate and create assurance of accuracy, as well as deter gaming of the system, Regen Ledger accepts data from multiple sources linked to the same geographical location, and has several layers of safeguards against bad data (whether it be falsely generated to game the system, or simply data from poorly calibrated or inaccurate sensors.)

In addition to assurances of accuracy and integrity of data, the architecture of Regen Ledger is built to continually incentivize better and more accurate data from multiple sources, and Regen Network as a whole aims to push the envelope on data collection in several key ways.

Regen ($Regen) Token

Regen ($REGEN) will be a block chain token native to Regen Ledger for the purpose of carrying out functions central to the operation of Regen Network. In essence, $REGENs are programmable digital tokens that can be used to access the mix of functions that make it possible to verify ecological outcome and distribute rewards for those outcomes.

Similar to holders of any currency or token, $REGEN holders have the ability to participate in the Regen Network economy. $REGEN is part of what incentivizes stakeholders from various sectors of the economy, government, and citizens groups to come together to govern a shared system to achieve ecological accounting. The token itself both represents the ability to access ecological knowledge and reward ecological outcomes; it also represents a shared stake in maintaining and using the common infrastructure of Regen Ledger.

$REGENs purchased through Sale Agreements for Future Tokens (SAFTs) will give project supporters the rights to receive token allocations once Regen Ledger is operational. From the initial Token Generation Event (TGE) forward, newly minted tokens will be issued by Regen Ledger.

Token Minting and Granting

Commensurate with the Cosmos “inflation“ mechanism, an annual increase in tokens is allocated to $REGEN addresses according to the number of $REGEN tokens that are bonded.

This incentivizes $REGEN holders to be actively involved in securing the network, and disincentivized those who do not participate .Inflation will be between 7% and 20%, relative to the percentage of $REGEN staked.

There will be a 7% increase in token supply when 66% or more of tokens are staked, rising to 20% when less than 66% are staked. Cosmos launched with a one year window for this to change. We will launch with a three-month window (one financial quarter), making supply increase more dynamic.

$REGEN Allocation, Timeframe, and Access

Supply at main net launch will be 100 million tokens (meaning 1 million tokens represents 1% of the supply). Some unsold tokens may be burnt (details below).

Numbers are given in million $REGEN.

• 35mm for Community Staking Pool and Regen Foundation

– All of this allocation is staked permanently.

– Community governance staking model focused on Land Stewards,

Science, and Developers

– Staking rewards will be managed to maintain at least 1/3 voting

block power (Byzantine veto) in the long term.

• 23mm Non-sale allocations

– 15mm Regen Network Development, Inc.

– 5mm Network Bootstrapping Fund

– 3mm ATOM-holder airdrop and work-lock w/KYC

∗ Linear unlock over 3 years

• 42mm Fundraising and Market Offerings

– Up to 4mm in a legally-compliant public offering $2.8mm at $0.70

∗ Pending legal, tax, and exchange approval

∗ Not locked

– 32mm Pre-sale to community

∗ $9.5mm-18.4mm sold at $0.21–0.63

∗ All tokens locked for a minimum of one year

∗ Discount related to lock schedule

∗ At mainnet launch, any tokens reserved for the private sale not

yet sold will be burnt

– 6mm Already sold to investors

∗ Locked for varying lengths, deal by deal

Regen Network Roadmap

This is a living document that we will be updating regularly to give a view into Regen Network’s product, science, and engineering roadmap.

The roadmap is broken up into 5 main categories that we split our work across:

  • Regen Ledger: Our domain-specific blockchain, which will have a main net launch in early 2021 as a Cosmos zone
  • Cosmos SDK: The blockchain application framework that we are maintainers of, and which we are using for Regen Ledger
  • Regen Registry Program: Our ecosystem service credit registry that is built on top Regen Ledger to showcase the different types of projects and ecosystem services that can be tracked and verified on Regen Network
  • Science & Regen Registry Platform: The science based R&D arm of Regen Network, developing and trialing new methodologies and credit classes to live on Regen Network
  • OpenTEAM: The partnerships & collaborations we are working on as part of the OpenTEAM initiative

The Team

  • Gregory Landua


Gregory is co-author of Regenerative Enterprise and co-creator of the 8-forms of capital framework. Gregory is a Regenerative Agriculture Practitioner and farmer. As co-founder and CEO of Terra Genesis International, he helped to grow an ecosystem of organizations dedicated to regenerative agriculture. Gregory is a member of the Board of Directors.

  • Sara Johnstone


Sara is strategic operator and executor who has over a decade of experience in tech startups. She runs marketing, operations, community management, strategy and business development. She is thrilled to have recently found her way into regenerative agriculture and committed to expanding her knowledge around regenerative business practices.

  • Aaron Craelius


Aaron brings a depth of software development experience, including desktop programming in C++ and C#, back-end and front-end web development, and embedded and FPGA work. As an avid environmentalist, harnessing technology to benefit the planet and its inhabitants has been a long-time dream.


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