Best way to make 10 dollars on your phone a day., Cash out money or crypto!

By Torsovomit | TheCoinCollector | 26 Oct 2021

Hello there 

This is by far the easiest way to make some crypto out there and I am talking easy fast surveys and some video ads, a lvl system(that awards you when you lvl), daily and monthly ranking boards with 500-2500 being given away.

You make like 0.30 USD to 10 USD per survey and there is offer walls to if you would rather play games and earn.

You can literally do a 3 minute survey while your taking a shit, hell you could take your time and do a 10 minute one and make alot more, you could even go to the extreme of doing a 20+ minute one if your in the can along time lol.

I call this easy shitter money/crypto or if your bored. I made 2.60 USD in like maybe 25 minutes so that's pretty decent. Better then a faucet for sure.

Give it ago and let me know what you think.

Have a good one.

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I am a big Faucet hound, I find the ones that pay and bring them to you.


Hello my name is Joshua-Lee and you can call me “The Coin Collector” and I LOVE Crypto. My aim is to bring you ways to obtain free bitcoin and other coins without spending any money at all, without scams, without wasting time for sites who do not pay out. Any site I share with you I have personally used myself and have received payments from, I will always be coming out with Really great Faucets and ways to build my crypto along with yours, Follow me for honest and Legit Content.

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