- Yes you read that correctly, right now with all the ethreum staking going on in anticipation of ethreum 2.0 gas prices have gone threw the roof. The world of decentralized finance is turned almost inoperable due to the miner fees. A simple coin exchange is costing upward of 200.00usd at time of post. (9:00 EST 5,10,2021) Ethreum has been hitting all time highs every other day pushing towards 5k. We know ethreum 2.0 and the proof of stake algorithm will significantly reduce transaction fees and eliminating miners , but until then we're still using proof of work therfore the miners be paid unfortunately in ethreum. What I don't understand is why can't these decentralized exchanges be operated on a side chain such as polygon? Or another scaling solution.
Ethreum 2.0 is Destroying the World of Defi .. .
By Cryptologyst | The Unlimited World of Web3 The Decentralized Web | 11 May 2021
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I have been investing in and studying cryptocurrencies since 2016. I have a business administration degree from Stockton University. I am a union sheet metal worker as my day job. I love making money.
The Unlimited World of Web3 The Decentralized Web
I will try my best to explain what the decentralized web , web3, the role certain tokens play in this new realm and how the internet as we know it will be forever changed.
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