Bring The Heat by The Turtle Project

By turtle | The Turtle Project | 28 Jun 2019


This is from "Slowly Does It"

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Well I gazed upon a miraged heat wave across the land 
And I’m drawn to that lonely tree in the vastness of sand 
I bathe in its shade with my head in my hands 
And I listen to the leaves as they dance 
They’re telling me all the secrets that blow by in the wind 
They talk of all the triumphs and the sins 
They tell me sometimes you lose, sometimes you win 
‘Cause as one day ends another begins 

Well you can bring the heat and you can bring defeat 
But nothing’s gonna hold me back 
I could run off course with my many of flaws 
But I’ll get back on track 
And you can tell me I’m not good enough 
That I might as well just turn back 
But I’ll make it to the end of this road someday 
Even if it’s my last 

As I hit the peak of a winning streak I’m woken from the thrill 
As I notice this little incline is growing into a hill 
And as the hill grows into a mountain and my energy is down to nil 
I resolve to humour this test of will 

‘Cause you can bring the heat and you can bring defeat 
But nothing’s gonna hold me back 
And I could run off course with my many of flaws 
But I’ll get back on track 
And you can tell me I’m not good enough 
That I might as well just turn back 
But I’ll make it to the end of this road someday 
Even if it’s my last

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More about The Turtle Project

`The Turtle Project` started out as exactly that, a project, a songwriting project that was born from years of being a musician in many bands, doing countless gigs, naturally gathering experience and inspiration until, one day, I stumbled upon the fact that I could actually put those experiences and many others into words. The composing aspect grew from that into what it is today ...

My way of life .

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I am a solo musician, singer/songwriter

The Turtle Project
The Turtle Project


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