The Future of NFT Trading Cards with Jetcoin #JETNFT

Trading cards have been in existence for decades, with the most recent trend being the release of Pokémon cards in 1999. With the release of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, Jetcoin has released its own version of trading cards that are more modernized and feature a digital component to them! Learn more about this new take on trading card-collecting today in our article!

How does Jetcoin work?

Jetcoin is a new digital currency that enables the purchase of NFTs. This will likely change how people trade their cards. It will also be an interesting experiment for blockchain companies to see if they can attract new users through NFTs instead of traditional currencies.

What is the future of NFT trading cards?

NFT trading cards are a new form of cryptocurrency. They allow gamers to monetize their game time by exchanging game time, in the form of cards, for any type of currency they please. This could be used to buy in-game items or even pay for the game itself. If the gaming industry is to grow, this type of digital trade will be essential.

How can I use the JET NFT Viewer?

The JET NFT Viewer is an open source project developed by the Jetcoin team. To use the viewer, you will need to download it from GitHub or Netlify. Once downloaded, follow the instructions on how to load your NFT. If you are not sure what type of NFT file to use, contact their admins on Discord and they can help you out!


Jetcoins are based on the ERC-721 Ethereum standard which is one of the latest innovations in blockchain. The company aims to offer a new way for all of us to experience ownership and trade digital items with less limitations than any other token. Jetcoins will be more accessible, liquid, easier to use, and cheaper than any other NFT currently on the market.

I’m off to eat, I’m hungry.

if you want to learn more about jetcoin, find out here:




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