Nature of Wind Water Two (NWW 2) 椋庢按

By Will Jones | The Oxymoron | 7 Aug 2024

Nature of Wind Water Two (NWW 2) 椋庢按 by Will Jones

Yes, it is me

minus two gens from gen z

smoothing in jest

translucent lust and lucidity


Yes, I do seek

that sheik and emotive type

somewhat dreamy

trist of smores garam creamy


Yes, I am weak

I love that mango chutney

Bling drizzy

that hot line thing grifting


Yes I do believe

mechanics of paradigm shifting

cognitive dissonances

reflection like diamond rings


Yes聽 I play chess

with Intelex on long sabbaticals

check puppy

on the poem's thumbnail


Yes I am sigma lovely

with selection of my own kenneling

a clumsy fueng Shui for real

at a cerebral clearance sale

for skinny or slut puppies in the best

of the industrial or funky


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Will Jones
Will Jones

I'm the pioneer, creator and believer of what I call the intellectual set technique. I simply appreciate spaces where tech and liberal arts creates a meta-life.

The Oxymoron
The Oxymoron

Absolutely for Poxers with much love. The "Oxy Mo" is essential within the greater nSAIOL Matrix that details the success and aesthetic of my future. I live this stuff. There are plenty oxymorons in our world to ponder... because of life's irony.

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