Daily Technical Analysis: My 21 Projects under 1$ / My investment in detail

I put my first investment in DCA on 21 cryptos under 1$ via 4 exchanges to diversify the risk and I will add other exchanges with other cryptos later.

To start it will be on: Bybit / Kucoin / Huobi / OKX
- Kucoin: FLOW / FRA / CKB / OGN / GRT / AVA



I put 25% now and the rest will be on three limit buy orders below.

I based myself on the first 2 limit buy orders via the supports in Weekly, and the third buy limit order will be an unrealistically lower order (of the same size as between the first 2 orders).

Example on FINDORA (FIS), CKB, and VRA but in fact it is the same thing on the total of 21 cryptos.

- FIS: https://www.tradingview.com/x/RbMljakx/ 


- CKB: https://www.tradingview.com/x/z1ClbcOF/


- VRA: https://www.tradingview.com/x/L9ug6Lz9/





👉 Follow the links below to the best & Secured Exchanges that I use for trading & often gives rewards for using their platform like Learn & Earn Program, making deposit & Trading on spot or Futures, Trading Competition, ...etc.

📈 Bybit: Get up to 4030 USDT in rewards just by signing up!

📈 Kucoin: Rewards for users Up to 10 millions USDT

📈 Huobi: Get $150 welcome bonus by signing up!

📈 Okx: Get Mystery Boxes worth up to $10,000 now





👀 Follow the Links Below to my Telegram Channels:

☑️ TA in English: https://t.me/tradingwithbinance

☑️ TA in French: https://t.me/Adaminssane1

☑️ Airdrop in English: https://t.me/Adaminsane 

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Crypto investor, trader & holder, looking for to build my freedom with the Blockchain technology.

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Trading The King of Crypto

Technical analysis of bitcoin and the crypto market. - Cryptos are correlated to BTC. - BTC is correlated to the S&P500 - The S&P500 is the largest US market, it can be called the Bitcoin of the stock market. If we can follow the BTC price action we will be able to follow all the other crypto projects, when to buy and When to sell???

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