... and even a few were actually completed! It has been a busy time in the garden over the last couple of weeks. I've found that I've been putting in an hour or two in the morning on most days... and the effort is starting to pay off. Of course, given the size of the block... it will probably take several years of this before we start to see huge changes! But you have to start somewhere!
Anyway, the killer problem at the moment is the beating back of the grass and weeds. At the moment, it is raining quite a bit and then coming up crazy sunny. That means that grass and weeds are starting to get quite out of control. So, I can tackle them directly in sections... which is a bit of a stopgap measure to stop everything spreading out of control... or I can continue with the mulching, which is a longer term solution, but much much slower. I've been doing a mix of both... but I have been mulching in an area that doesn't attract much grass and weeds anyway. So, I think I'm about to shift my mulching efforts to borders of the block, to stop new incursions from the kerb and council land. Then, I can concentrate on the remaining isolated pockets after they have been surrounded by the perimeter.
Well, that is the plan... but at the moment, I'm severely outnumbered. The kids help a little... but they are easily distracted, and my wife is busy with learning stuff and preparing concerts. Me, I don't like practicing... so, I end up in the garden instead!
It has been really strange weather over the week... we had a sudden cold spell, and the temperature suddenly plummeted, and we managed to get a nice fall of hail. It was freezing that day... but now the sun is back out, and we are in for a few days of rain then lots of sun again. So, again... a mix to produce killer crops of weeds.
We aren't likely to have our growing section up and completed in time for summer... in fact, we might be building it a bit during that time. We need to have the retaining wall replaced, and the earth leveled. It will probably take a few days or a couple of weeks to do it in the family... but after getting the pricing done for the job... well, it is a job that we could do ourselves.
So, we planted these two pots instead as the starter... two each of zucchinis (on the right) and cherry tomatoes on the left. There is a dead mouse in the left one... down the bottom somewhere.
Meanwhile, as I'm mulching... I'm digging and turning the soil. And the local gang of birds know that there is a feast being unearthed!
I was asking around the family about these weird little nodules in one of our little trees... an acacia I think. Apparently, they are related to woodworms and borers... so, this is getting taken down and removed. I have seen the worms in other branches and the occasional dead one in the ground. Sigh... this is what you get for having a "nature" block.
Mint... safely planted and isolated in a pot of its own. We are definitely going to try to avoid mistakes of the past in this garden. We are planning on making many NEW mistakes!
We have a hanging basket of lettuce as well! It needs a bit longer to grow... and perhaps a new pot when it gets bigger... but we will have some leaves on hand for salads and sandwiches!
A project that is on the list of things to do... re-painting the top of this pergola and perhaps installing some sort of roof/shade. The paint on the top is completely worn, and will need to be redone so that the wood doesn't end up rotting. I think that there is a few days of sun in the next week when I can do it.
About half a year ago, we picked up a second hand trampoline for the kids... but we have had to wait for the excavation of the sewer/stormwater lines to be completed before putting it up. After that, my wife wanted to have other things done and completed before we put it up... however, it is becoming more likely that the other projects are on a much longer timeline than she thought (sigh... I'm sure that I said that...), and so I've made the executive decision to just put it up in an area that is flat enough. Otherwise, the kids will be out of the home before we put it up!
... I think it looks good! But we did have to move it about a metre or two as I had cleverly put it underneath a birds nest that was high up in the gum trees. Meaning... lots of poop...
Finally... replacing a couple of cracked tiles with the help of a tiler who had come to inspect our roof. It was interesting being up there on the roof with him! I learnt quite a few things, and also what to look out for! I love learning lots of new things... there is always something to learn about everything from someone who does it as a professional!
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