Today you will begin to receive a cascade of new perspectives. Let yourself feel and without going crazy, begin to act towards your goals with new tools. The 7 of Cups and The Ace of Wanda - 19/01/25



Today the Moon has just begun to pass through Libra, changing the energies of our ways of relating. We leave the demands of Virgo to enter the harmony of Libra, observing the world with another perspective. Today it opposes Neptune and the North Node in Pisces, giving us a feeling of foggy calm where our dreams unite with the destiny of our energies and confronts us fully with our feelings. Have you dreamed something today? It's time to activate active listening. Premonitory dreams and surprising connections may appear in your day. On the other hand, this afternoon the Sun will enter Aquarius, leaving behind the structural constraints of Capri to immerse itself in the unpredictability of Aquarius. This month will bring us fresh air to destructure our beliefs and give us a range of new possibilities based on the breadth of perspectives. If you are still hooked on the "Should be" it is time to ask yourself how much is yours and how much is acquired. Perhaps you will find reasons and ways to function from another healthier place in a situation that you have imposed on yourself to allow yourself to heal aspects that limit you. The answers never come from outside and we create the blame. Be patient with yourself and stop putting the burden on someone next door. There is still the conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Pisces, which are in the same degree. This will remind us again that true love is not always comfortable but it is always healthy, free and authentic. Look at yourself lovingly and you will begin to see others from there. Today we get the 7 of Cups and The Ace of Wands.The first tells us about that conjunction of Neptune with the North Node in opposition to the Moon. It brings us those dreams that may have appeared. It also tells us that dreams are good but if we don't put in the work they will never come true. Don't get lost in wanderings and act decisively in search of your goals. For its part, the Ace of Wands brings us the Aquarian energies that are already beginning to be noticed. It encourages us to give free rein to our creativity and enthusiasm. It tells us about new beginnings, restructured ties, travel, and new opportunities that are born from your creativity. Today is therefore a day to let ourselves be felt, encouraging us from the heart to improvise and flow with what we feel. Let us not lose our minds in illusions, but let us act decisively from the new perspectives that will enlighten us today. Enjoy your Sunday and visualize your possible futures. Only you stand between present and future. Create it!!



The 7 of Cups means dreams or something that tries to alert us. Therefore, pay attention to dreams at this time, as they may contain important information. At the same time, the card also indicates the dreams we have in life. However, be careful not to get lost in wanderings. Dreaming is very good, but if we don't roll up our sleeves, dreams will never come true. In summary, the main advice is: do not get lost in illusions


The 7 of Cups symbolizes duality, the universal dichotomy: good and bad things, illusion and reality, light and darkness, heat and cold. When this card appears in a query, it suggests caution. Pay attention to the dreams you have and follow your intuition.


On the card, we see 7 cups, and each of them contains a symbol, such as the laurel, that represents victory. However, it suggests that achieving victory always takes effort. There is someone with his back turned who seems surprised with so many offers. You are trying to choose one, but you must be careful, since each decision can be an illusion or temptation and there can always be danger hidden in one of them. It represents the decisions we have to make in life, in which many times there is only one correct option and other times none may be the correct one, revealing that they are just illusions.


Clouds symbolize dreams, abstractions and mysteries. The prizes contained in each cup are a mixture of negative and positive things. The snake symbolizes knowledge. The head represents company; the tower, stability, while the treasure is quite obvious. Laurels symbolize success; and the dragon, the force of the 4 elements, since it is a mythological being that has each of them in its physical composition.



The Ace of Wands means a new beginning, or that there is a possibility of this happening, covered with creativity and enthusiasm. It could be a new relationship, a new job, or any new endeavor that is in your plans or has been anticipated.


Sometimes something unexpected can happen, like an invitation or receiving a message. Whatever it is, the card indicates enthusiasm and a certain sense of adventure.


The Ace of Wands symbolizes transformations and is a great omen in any consultation. It represents new beginnings, which can happen unexpectedly. The situations most often associated with this card are new relationships, travel plans, a new and exciting opportunity, or a project that involves creativity.


In the card, we see a hand coming out of a cloud. She brings a wooden staff with leaves, which symbolizes growth, prosperity and abundance. It is the vital energy that arises from wood, which symbolizes potentials, opportunities and development. In the background, on the left, there is a castle, as a symbol of imposing and fantastic things.

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The Ent. Tarot and Astrology
The Ent. Tarot and Astrology

Summary of astrological energies, astral climate and daily tarot predictions

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