





You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality.



Message from Rhiannon: <<Much of my power comes from my connection with animals and nature. If you've been inside walls too long, you can regain your personal power simply by stepping outside. This simple movement will provide you with a world of well-being, awakening your magical and spiritual nature, until now dormant. It allows the light of the sun, moon and stars to awaken old memories that may be latent. Remember the times of your magical abilities and put them into action immediately for the good of the entire planet. Resume the mission that was once aborted by the evil arts and works of past leaders. Grab your spiritual weapons and move swiftly into the night, awakening everyone to the magic that is life itself. This is a mission that must be accomplished and you are the one who can help us.


Meanings of this card: Have absolute faith that your dream will manifest. Make a clear decision. Use your energy to achieve your dreams • Be aware that you deserve to receive good things When you win, others win too. Keep your thoughts focused on your desire and away from fear.


About Rhiannon: The name of this Welsh moon goddess means "great queen", as she has important functions, such as serving as muse to poets, artists and royalty. Lovingly, on his faithful white horse, he carried the souls of Earth to the next plane of life, helping them adjust to the transition of life after death. Rhiannon can appear in various forms, such as an animal, bird, or song. Turn to it to help you manifest your intentions, communicate with spirits, transitions or achieve artistic inspiration.





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Estudioso y fanático del mundo crypto y la tecnología blockchain. Me encanta la cocina, la naturaleza, los cultivos de cualquier tipo, animales y la vida sana. Culo inquieto manquepierda!!

The Ent. Tarot and Astrology
The Ent. Tarot and Astrology

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