Full Moon on Cancer comes with everything to end this year, this cycle.



Tonight we get a wonderful full moon in Cancer. Full moons in Cancer are usually very intense since Cancer is its sign and the moon shines doubly since on the one hand it is full and is the queen of the night and it is also in its sign so it becomes even more intense.

Cancer is the sign of the tribe group, of the aspects, of nutrition, of the house, of protection, of the home. What a perfect day to have a full moon in cancer where it tells us about celebrating the inner circle, our group, those people who are always there for us.

This Full Moon closes a cycle that began on July 17, 2023 with the New Moon in Cancer which was in the twenty-fifth degree and at that time we planted seeds that we are finally seeing blossom now. What is it that you wanted then and that you are now beginning to see blossom?
What is it that is intensifying these days in your intimate life?

It is super nice that the full moon in almost the fifth degree of Cancer is making a sextile with Jupiter, which is with everything, because Jupiter is going to wake up in four or five days. It is stationary right now and that means it is much, much more powerful. The moon connecting with Jupiter tells us of surprise, joy and probable excesses. You have to be a little careful there. I remind you that Jupiter is in Taurus, which is the sign of physical pleasures, so we can go overboard during the celebrations in food, drink, expenses, etc. But Jupiter connecting with the moon in such a perfect way is ideal for being more optimistic and positive, and there is also a Jupiterian period coming over the next ten days that will be very, very strong, waking up from its slumber.

On the other hand, this full Moon has Mercury retrograde very close to Mars. One in grade twenty-five and another in grade twenty-three. And that, Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius practically together, brings us a desire for the new, a desire for more, a desire for interaction, but it can also make us come out with words that are too direct and too sincere and we have to be a little careful there.

Uranus is also connecting with the Moon in an exact semiquardature. This tells us that there may be surprises and along with Mercury retrograde there may be people who appear to congratulate Christmas, the new year, in an unexpected way. People that perhaps we didn't think we would see again will appear there. They can also be surprises like changes in plans or something like that. They don't necessarily have to be negative surprises.

Moon and Sun on the other hand are still connecting with Saturn so there is seriousness within all of this. What can be noticed is some confusion. Mercury in the twenty-fifth degree of Sagittarius is in a quadrature with Neptune and that can make things confusing.

In general, a lot of desire to dream, to connect. Days in which we see those results of the work, the effort, the focus of the last six months. I hope you are receiving many fruits from everything you invested. Keep in mind that full moons are harvests, celebrations and closings of the cycle. Sometimes we see fruits from planted seeds that we did not want to grow but that is also part of learning. We must always highlight when a mistake is good since it teaches us how to better cultivate our achievements.

I remind you that on this full moon, this celebration has to include you. Celebrate ourselves!!

There may be some sensitivity. Keep in mind that the full moon in Cancer can increase the intensity of our emotions and that Mercury retrograde so close to Mars can make the words feel very hard and with some confusion due to the quadrature it makes with Neptune. So let's listen from love and try not to misunderstand the intentions with which they are said.

Try, as Cancer does, to be your own mother. Try to take care of yourself and protect yourself. Be a good mother to yourself.

Let's give ourselves that containment that perhaps we lacked at some point.
Let's give ourselves our protection.
Let's give ourselves good nutrition.
Let us be the best mother in history and decide to never abandon yourself, always accompany yourself with affection, dedication and conscience.
That's the best we can give ourselves these days.

Happy full moon in Cancer




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