Your commitment to your own sensitivity brings you, among other gifts, great opportunities for your world of relationships, including the one that we want to offer you in the new time. The effect on you of the people to whom you are linked seems to have its own autonomy and needs to be recognized so that you make that energy your own and put it at the service of your own consciousness, at the service of your being in the world. , free, honest and conscious. And it needs to be recognized for what it is, with all its effect on you, regardless of your ideas and your concept of that bond. The tuning of sensations in each moment, free of preconceptions or memories of previous situations, is key to an increasingly greater truth about your energetic exchanges with the other and to free yourself from neurotic grooves, manipulations and toxins circulating in your relationship. Happy day towards the year that asks for your full commitment in the dissolution of karmas and other excuses.
The 2 of Clubs basically means planning and decisions. As it is a duality card, you may feel torn between two options. Sometimes they are not such important options, but now they seem to be. This Minor Arcana brings with it anxiety and extreme feelings. Stay alert to everything that is happening around you and follow your instincts to avoid losses.
The 2 of Clubs symbolizes the obstacles to overcome. It's a duality card, so it suggests an option. It also symbolizes preparation and choice anxiety, the kind we feel when we prepare or think about something that will happen, such as a trip, a presentation, or a meeting.
In the card, a man can be seen looking towards the immensity of the sky and the sea while holding the world in his hand; That is, there are many opportunities at stake and enormous potential to realize them. You just need to expand your horizons to embrace the new and greater experiences to come.
The man understands his ambition and seems to know what he must do to achieve it. His costumes are orange and red, which represent action, passion, adventure and enthusiasm. It has two staffs that symbolize the energy of Clovers, the fire element and its potential to flourish.
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