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By The Neath | The Darkside Of Crypto | 4 Nov 2024

There are generally two types of analysis methods in the crypto community. Fundamental analysis and technical analysis.

Technical analysis is generally a useful tool for traders, but fundamental analysis is there to ensure that investors and technology progress in a good direction (my opinion)

No matter how much technology develops, the basic source is always people and psychology. That's why it makes more sense to get rich slowly.

As far as I've observed all this time, everyone uses cryptocurrencies to gamble. (That's why I don't invest in meme coins or buy NFTs, I definitely buy them to support an artist, but if I see something from my personal life. Because in the NFT wind, people tried to sell ridiculous pictures by drawing them from the paint application or made pictures to bypass copyright etc. etc.)

Many platforms are being established or crypto money can be issued very easily in someone's name. (I've seen it a lot in the past and rugpull generally appears here.)

The X platform is currently under attack by bots and researchers in China have cracked the military encryption method (RSA encyrption)

So definitely be careful with phishing emails.

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The Neath
The Neath

Since I have been interested in crypto since 2020.I give back to the internet what I learned from the internet

The Darkside Of Crypto
The Darkside Of Crypto

The primary objective behind the establishment of this blog is to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the negative aspects of cryptocurrencies and their realm. Undoubtedly, this community hosts a multitude of events. As a result, the purpose of this publication is to educate individuals regarding cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it is worth noting that this publication does not hold any negative views towards cryptocurrencies, and its proprietors are crypto enthusiasts themselves.

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