The First Rookie Book Released

By The Naeth | The Darkside Of Crypto | 14 Sep 2024

Poetry, cryptocurrencies, and Medium kept me going. After finding PublishOx, my crypto outlook shifted, yet Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are hard to balance. Amazon KDP is challenging for ebooks.

Unfortunately, I write a book to earn money and leave my mark online.

Even great authors get famous later.

Back story of the book

I don't know how to edit a book and don't want to pay. I intentionally left several typos so AI couldn't modify or write it.


The first page of the book is blank (I left it on purpose.)


I encountered Medium amid my lowest circumstances and penned poetry for a magazine that disappeared. Last minute, I saved the poems and converted them into a book.

The book's sales don't matter to me. Only marketers will approach me on social media groups. Tired of blocking people.

Background Story

I leave the book link and its story as shown. 

Book link

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The Naeth
The Naeth

Since you have been interested in crypto since 2020.I give back to the internet what I learned from the internet

The Darkside Of Crypto
The Darkside Of Crypto

The primary objective behind the establishment of this blog is to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the negative aspects of cryptocurrencies and their realm. Undoubtedly, this community hosts a multitude of events. As a result, the purpose of this publication is to educate individuals regarding cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it is worth noting that this publication does not hold any negative views towards cryptocurrencies, and its proprietors are crypto enthusiasts themselves.

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