Medium Guide Book Vol 2

By The Naeth | The Darkside Of Crypto | 7 Aug 2024

There are two distinct groups of individuals on the surface of the internet. Internet users and those who travel for work are known as digital nomads. How to establish a company and how to be safe while using the internet are topics I’ll cover in this post.

The number of individuals interested in joining the Medium MPP platform is growing daily. While last year’s program funding helped boost the number of writers in India and a few other nations, the rationale for this uptick was a decline in authors’ income, which is the topic of a separate article.

The internet is an abundance of advantages, and people are scrambling to get in on the actionThis has also given rise to a number of business types, such as the freelancer, content producer, coder, etc.

In this part, I will outline the steps necessary to enrol in the MPP program.

Those that want to be writers on Medium, in particular, have been known to pull pranks on the technical staff. For the sake of its own profit and to prevent fraud, Medium also conducts rigorous measures. Something is heading in the correct way with it. Since trustworthy and ethical behavior are priceless in the corporate sphere, they go hand in hand. You should be quite proud of it.

The software detects when you use a VPN to access the MPP program and alerts you accordingly.


Here we see the typical application of VPN. People often complain that the MPP program does not include their nation of residence or the place where they spend most of their vacations.

Here, you’ll need to provide your mailing and banking information, and if that isn’t enough, you should form a company in the nation you’re listing (my internet business).

Pay close attention to tax rates; there are several instances like this. Locations with minimal taxes are preferable for setting up a business.

Paypall and Wise Business are two great options for keeping tabs on your finances.

On the Stripe side, it is more useful for you to have completed the tax form as Solotrader and you need to fill out the tax form properly. I know the fees are higher than the money you earn.


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The Naeth
The Naeth

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The Darkside Of Crypto

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