Changpeng Zhao of Binance talks

By The Neath | The Darkside Of Crypto | 3 Nov 2024

At Binance Blockchain Week, former CEO Changpeng Zhao discussed his jail experience, future aspirations, and connection with Binance.

Zhao, who resigned as Binance CEO after a plea bargain with U.S. authorities last November, honestly discussed his incarceration experience on the Wu Blockchain podcast. He said he missed personal relationships most in prison.

Zhao remarked that he was the first to be imprisoned for a single Banking Secrecy Act violation.

TD Bank's $1.8 billion fine, where no one was prosecuted, was cited.

CZ confirmed his role as a big stakeholder and his departure from operational tasks at Binance.

He denied that his plea deal included a “lifetime ban” from crypto exchange management. “Those two words don't exist in my plea agreement with the government,” CZ said.

CZ plans to concentrate on Giggle Academy and blockchain, AI, and biotech initiatives.

CZ said he had Binance shareholder rights. He didn't want to operate again. CZ also said he wouldn't return if permitted.

Former CEO announced big Giggle Academy intentions. Giggle Academy provides digital education to 1.2 billion individuals without access to conventional schooling.

The platform will use AI, game developers, and instructors to generate mobile-friendly interactive instructional material.

Zhao stressed that the initiative prioritizes social benefit above profit. He calculated that developing instructional material across courses and languages would cost $1–2 billion.

Zhao was enthusiastic about bitcoin markets' long-term potential. However, he admitted short-term uncertainty.

Bitcoin has shown four-year cycles, and he stressed the necessity for crypto infrastructure.

On regulatory considerations, Zhao saw good crypto legislation across nations. He said bigger nations develop regulatory systems more slowly.

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The Neath
The Neath

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