CageChain Newsletter #222 | Institutional Investors Ready to Flip?, ETH Merge Meltdown, Blockchain Lobbying Efforts, OFAC Tornado Cash Licenses, and More

By KHubbard | The Crypto New Jack | 15 Sep 2022


Henrik Andersson, CIO of crypto asset fund manager Apollo Capital believes institutions may soon "flip" on their conservative stance towards crypto. Speaking to Cointelegraph, the Melbourne-based crypto fund manager said that while institutional interest in crypto has been slow in picking up, particularly in Australia, there are a lot of players that are waiting for the right moment to strike. Ethereum is now a day away from the much-anticipated Merge. In this article, I quickly review what this means for the Ethereum blockchain in the long run. On top of that, I look at how the market is reacting to this event and what my expectations are. Washington-based trade group Blockchain Association has announced that it will be launching a Political Action Committee (PAC) in a bid to support pro-crypto candidates. The committee will focus its efforts on influencing the administration to take a friendlier stance on crypto. The U.S. Treasury Department wants people who had pending transactions before the Tornado Cash sanctions to apply for a license... FFS... You can find these stories and more at the link below:


Newsletter #222


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The Crypto New Jack
The Crypto New Jack

Haven't been in the game long enough to consider myself a crypto OG, but been around the block enough to combine my academic and professional experience to the blockchain and digital assets industry for what I hope are insightful and valuable opinions for this awesome, ever-growing community!

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