Why Ethereum Should Be Terrified of Shardeum’s Rise

By JuanInTheChain | The crypto market | 19 Apr 2023


Are you tired of high gas fees and slow transactions on Ethereum? Get ready to be blown away by Shardeum, the cutting-edge layer one solution that’s all set to take the blockchain world by storm! Designed to provide sustainable low gas fees and lightning-fast transaction speeds, Shardeum is gearing up to be the game-changer that every crypto enthusiast has been eagerly waiting for. Don’t miss out on this thrilling ride — read on to discover what Shardeum has in store for you!

Shardeum, a groundbreaking project launched by Nischal Shetty and Omar Syed, aims to build the most optimal layer one solution that retains Ethereum’s developer and user interface while offering significant improvements. By employing Shardus, a framework for creating linearly scalable distributed ledgers, Shardeum will reach mainnet much faster than other projects in the space.

With a max supply of 508 million SHM, Shardeum’s native coin Shard (SHM) will be mined by validators, archive, and standby nodes, incentivizing resource contribution to the network. SHM will be used to pay for gas fees for transactions and smart contract execution on the network.

The Shardeum project is backed by a Swiss-based foundation and plans to eventually transition into a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Its roadmap includes completing the Betanet in Q1-Q2 2023, and the highly anticipated Mainnet.

Upon the Mainnet’s launch, Shardeum’s primary goal will be to expand the ecosystem rapidly. The platform is expected to host a wide array of decentralized applications (dApps) across four key areas: Infrastructure, Community, Enterprises, and Academia. These dApps will encompass various sectors, including DeFi, DEX, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain, among others.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the next big thing in the blockchain ecosystem. Join the Shardeum community on Discord: https://discord.gg/HChSnz9a and get involved in their airdrop by joining crew3 at https://zealy.io/c/shardeumofficial/invite/xhAs81awr0JMw7EuXOC9V

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