Greeting Gamers!
Another week has passed, and it is time for my weekly post on price trends of the NFT characters Blankos, from the game Blankos Block Party.
New Releases:
Last week, Blankos released two new Blankos, TEQ63 [Ghost White] and TEQ63 [OG BLK] with a sale price of $224.99 each and a mint limit of 1,200. They sold out very quickly, and are already bringing a nice return for their investors. Some lower mint numbers have been selling for $1,000, with most sales around $300. Unexplainably, the last two sales have been for $75 and $55. So props to whoever cashed in on the previous owner's confusion.
Cabinet_Man.exe Update:
Cabinet_Man.exe was awarded last week to players able to complete enough in-game tasks for the Hustle and Glow party pass. The Blankos was initially selling for an average of $189.05, but has come down over the week to an average of $106.53, a decrease of 43.65%.
Pug Life Update:
Pug Life was released a few weeks back, selling directly from the game for $49.99. The average sale price was increasing slowly, until falling last week to $60.99. Which is still a 22% increase in value from the original sale.
Market Stats:
Current Blankos Available: 59 - Up from 57
Lowest Blanko List Price: "Klown" - $12.80 - Up from $12.00
Highest Blanko List Price: "Billy Six Bones" - $5,500,000.00 - No Change
Median Blanko List Price: $78.00 - Down from $109.05
Last 10 Sales:
Last 10 Sales Average: $139.30 - Up 152.813% to $55.10
Last 10 Listed:
Lat 10 Listed Average: $53.87 - Down 98.183 % from $2.965.44
Although the overall prices for most Blankos has dropped this week, the overall health of the market seems to be good. Each release I have tracked has seen very fast sell outs and a rise in value for those who got in on the offering. Nothing observed this week has changed my bullish outlook in getting in on these releases during the Early Access stage of the game and holding for future profits. Blankos in my opinion is one of the first well executed games using NFTs and creating a good market for them.
If you would like to read my original post on the game, which has more details on what the game is all about, you can find it here.
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Fruitful Gaming!
the crypto_gam3r