Defi and Yield Farm with OKEx

By Buzzbeeg | The Crypto Cave | 14 Oct 2020


Let's Farm Some Crypto

Everyone knows that yield farming and Defi is hot! The real question is what is an easy way to go about it; especially if you are a beginner. I found an exchange called OKEx that makes yield farming easy. They have something called their EARN Program and make it so you can deposit crypto on some of the more popular yield farming platforms like:

  • Uniswap
  • Curve
  • Compound
  • YFII

Some of these yield farming projects have incredible Rates of Return! For instance, DAI-Eth has a 23.32% APY which is just insane. You can use your USDT instead of Ether and get a 17.45% on the USDT-Eth pool on Uniswap. Not as a high a percentage but still quite good considering it's USDT. Let me know what you guys think about it.

Also if any of you are on Quora you should follow my Quora Space: The Crypto Cave for a great blog on cryptocurrency. 

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I work for several Cryptocurrency projects including Silica neXus and Divi Project. I also write on Quora and share many of the same posts that I share here.

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