released 16.07.2020
After a long day with work I was able to customize and publish a new website with domain today. The website will serve as a landing page for BananoJump, as well as for my future projects so that I can collect them all in one place. There is some tiny more to do with it here and there of course. - screenshot
Not only did I get the webpage done today, but I received the first donations as well! Thanks to Kirby’s 69 BAN donation, it’s no longer 2 sad zeroes below the QR-Monkey anymore, and the ball have officially started to roll!
New features:
- Player flips when moving from one side to the other – preparation for later feature
- Ability to pause and unpause with “P” or the pause button in top right corner
- Added credit page + donators
- Added navigation button to all the scenes
BananoJump temporarily roadmap:
Gameplay mechanics needs to be done before I can start implementing some anti-cheat measures. The remainding mechanics would be:
- Platforms spawning randomly as you jump higher
- Platforms getting destroyed below you
- Extra bouncy platforms
- A way to lose the game – now you'll just end up falling forever
- Randomly spawn Banano
- Figure out if one point should be a whole Banano or less
- Setup my server to communicate with the game
- Gather a pool for payouts
- Experimenting with using a Banano address as username – requiring no password or sign-up
- Player constraints on the sides – make player reappear on the other side if it goes past the side edge
- Figure out what kind of limit to have on how many times you can play a day
- Implementing your monKey as your avatar in-game
- Ability to deposit small amount of Banano for extra tries or to keep on where you died
Of course there is a lot more to it than this, but this is the first priority. When all this is in place, I will start implementing captchas and other ways to battle botting.
Every donator that contacts me about their donation will be credited on the “Credits” page in the game and on my blog. Potential funds donated will be spent with 100% transparency by publishing a monthly budget expense report. Most of the funds will be saved for the payout pool, but some will be used to cover server costs and other expenses. Every Banano will be highly appreciated.