Game update

BananoJump | Devlog | Miniupdate

By Pygo | The Changelog | 15 Jul 2020

Short update on the progress for today



bananojump150620 sorry for typo in the date in the pic above



A bit of polishing have been done to the game that from now on will be dubbed BananoJump. MonkeyJump don’t really roll off the tongue that well..

Added features:

  • Camera follows smoothly
  • Countdown when entering the game

A preview of the current state of the game is below.

I was unsuccessful in inserting the video here, so I'll post the link to my blogpost if you want to take a look at the preview: blogpost 15.07.2020

A website dedicated to the game have been deployed and will soon be available. The site will serve as a landing page for the game.



This post is quite short, but I like to keep track of my progress and will post updates when there is an update to reveal.

 - New website
 - Video preview of the game


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A guy from Norway, making games by day, exploring the cryptoverse by night.

The Changelog
The Changelog

This is my changelog, or blog if you will. I go by several names, but feel free to call me Pygo. I'm currently studying/working with game development. I want to post updates when some new feature or achievements are unlocked. That's what a changelog is for.

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