Pylon StarCraft and Pylon Terra

FOR TERRA FANS | Pylon Gateway Explained | + link to best resources

By crush89 | FOR TERRA FANS | 22 Aug 2021

The Terra Ecosystem in a nutshell

Terra Station Logo

For those who don't know, Terra Labs is a South Korean firm who have developed with other partners the TERRA ECOSYSTEM, the most exciting DeFi universe out there. Its pretty simple, the entire network is centered around the relationship between the LUNA token and the UST Stablecoin (currently the fastest growing Stablecoin, which is algorithmic so harder for the SEC to regulate). 

So what is the Pylon Protocol? (Yes, it is a StarCraft reference!)


Having successfully released Anchor Protocol (Terra's 20%APY USD Saving's Account, and no it's not a joke) and Mirror Protocol (Terra's Robinhood but without drawbacks; let's you get exposure to stocks, commodities and even ETH), Terra's latest addition to this amazing DeFi space it the Pylon Protocol, which inspired by Korean house deposits has these principal two use cases:

1. Terra's Launchpad (Gateway; yes you fund your new units!): You know Binance Launchpad right? Its a place where new Tokens in the ecosystem are launched to the public. It's a chance to invest in any cool project early, while at the same time giving the project money to develop their product.

2. Terra's Subscription/Donations manager: Basically, it will allow you to pay for long-term services like Netflix and Spotify subscriptions, or charity donations, or funding for your favourite content creators super efficiently (You actually never pay for it, you just have to stake a lump-sum of UST which you can remove whenever...say wha??? More explained below)

So how the hell does Pylon do that?


Well, the protocol is essentially a way to super-safely leverage your Anchor (savings account) deposit without you lifting a finger. Pylon takes your money and warps it into Anchor to make 20% APY. Instead of warping that back to you in UST like Anchor does, Pylon Gateway uses this profit to pay for your subscriptions/donations/contributions, or in the case of the Launchpad, it buys the Launched project's tokens at IEO (a fixed, in theory cheap) prices while your UST is staked. Clever eh can you imagine Santander, BBVA, or Well's Fargo doing this for you? Lol.

Wooow, hang on a sec...when was this released? What have I missed out?

The platform is brand new, it only launched a month ago, introducing PylonSwap which let you swap UST/LUNA for Pylon's governance token $MINE at IEO price. You can then use this $MINE to stake for governance and rewards or to get some sick gainz from the LP.


At the moment, they are in the second stage, providing a Launchpad for the $MINE and $LOOP tokens, the latter being Terra's brand new DEX which I will not get into here. These are currently the two early Launchpad opportunities. They require you to commit UST for a period of 3, 6 or 18 months (they let you take your money out a bit earlier if required) while in this period you earn the new token and any compound interest from its price movement.

What's coming?

And tomorrow August 22nd of 2021, TerraWorld and Nebula will be introduced to the Launchpad, giving any more Terra fans like me a brand new opportunity to get into projects within this amazing ecosystems. Obviously since LUNA and UST are at the center of the whole Terraverse, if Pylon is a success, expect the price of Luna to keep rising during this Bull Market (non financial advise obviously, I'm a geologist for crying out loud).

LUNA coin là gì? Giới thiệu về đồng tiền ảo LUNA của dự án Terra

Useful Resources

I am trying to create useful content so I will not try to re-invent the wheel. The following are the best resources (with links) I found to understand Pylon.

- FishMarketAcademy's video on Pylon (11 minutes, detailed)

- Cryptosetup's video on Pylon (3 minutes, basic overview)

- Wajayat Mughal's video (4 minutes, knowledgeable overview)

- Reddit's r/terraluna

- PylonGateway website 


Being a content writer I try to get as much exposure as possible by posting my writings in different platforms. This can also be found on Medium here.

Also, non of the content of this writing is or should be considered financial advise. I am no financial advisor, I am merely a content writer using freely available data and information to produce the best OC I can come up with for entertainment purposes. Sources for the images displayed can be found in the references below.


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@CCrush89 on Twitter


Terra is an ecosystem based around the UST stablecoin which is algorithmically pegged to LUNA, making it one of the best DeFi spaces in the crypto cosmos!!

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