
XCAD- Watch YouTube to Earn creator categories for English Language

By Chadayan | Technical Discussions | 9 May 2024

Posts in this category

Note: the introduction is the same for all the posts in this category



XCAD Network is a platform for content creators, and viewers to earn rewards. Currently, it supports only YouTube. I am not sure it had plans to extend that to other platforms. More info on their website

If you don't have an account with XCAD create one with the reference:FD4Z-QJHC-3W8A-64GS  (As XCAD is on BNB chain you may need a small amount of BNB in your wallet.)

In my experience, it is not that user-friendly. I forget to repair my 'nerd' most of the time for example.  Another annoying thing is to browse through the content creators as I may not be knowing all the creators. 

Here is a sample look at the chrome plugin Energy Area, if you have not seen them before:



As they are not publishing the list, I have decided to create the list with their YouTube public description. If people are interested I can maintain this list until XCAD themselves come up with a solution. 

Have fun watching :) 


All channels displayed are not necessarily connected to XCAD.

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