💎 What Gives a Man Inner Strength...

💎 What Gives a Man Inner Strength...

By TAS BROWN | TAS MEDIA | 30 Jun 2024

💎 What Gives a Man Inner Strength...

✒️ “It is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future. And this is his salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence, this is what gives him inner strength...”

✨ Quote By: Viktor Frankl
📘 From The Book: Man's Search for Meaning

🔎 About This Quote:

Viktor Frankl, the renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, believed our ability to focus on the future is a defining human trait. Viktor Frankl's quote emphasizes the human capacity to find strength and purpose by focusing on the future. This "peculiarity" acts as a lifeline during hardship. When faced with immense suffering, those who lose hope for the future and a better tomorrow, lose their inner strength and the will to live. However, by clinging to a vision of what might be, we find purpose and the resilience to endure even the most difficult moments. It's this future-oriented perspective that acts as our salvation.

©️ Original Content, Created By TAS.

🎞️ Footage By: Freepik - Pexels - Pixabay

🏷️ Tags: #hope #future #success #achievement #life #motivation #inspiration


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