
7 Articles 0 Followers

Why Agnostic Web Tools Fight Monopolies

17 Sep 2024 3 minute read 0 comments WinterYeti

If you haven't noticed, much of what's available on the Internet today involves working through some kind of company or service that you have to subscribe to and have membership with. If you don't, then you don't get to access their services. The maj...

Algunos sistemas operativos basados en Unix que tal vez no conocías: Solaris y sus derivados / Some Unix-based operating systems you may not have known about: Solaris and its derivatives

6 Sep 2023 8 minute read 1 comment marjuanm

  Hola que tal, un saludo a todos y gracias por seguir visitando los artículos de este su servidor, como mencionaba en mi artículo anterior "Algunos sistemas operativos basados en Unix que tal vez no conocías: BSD y sus derivados" esta es la segunda...

Algunos sistemas operativos basados en Unix que tal vez no conocías: BSD y sus derivados / Some Unix-based operating systems you may not have known about: BSD and its derivatives

4 Sep 2023 10 minute read 2 comments marjuanm

Hola que tal a todos, sean bienvenidos a este nuevo artículo que espero les sea de mucha utilidad.   Tiempo atrás redacté algunos artículos sobre algunos sistemas operativos muy conocidos y que dieron origen a la informática actual. Uno de estos sist...

Git Keeps Reporting Whole Files Changed When I Merge Branches. Aargh, why?

7 Mar 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

I have encountered a weird problem with git (particularly GitHub), while working for a company with an existing repository: It occurs every time I merge a hotfix/patch branch into develop or develop into main. Instead of only generating diffs for the...

Mounting Files as Disks on OpenBSD

25 Oct 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Hatty Hacker

Because real disks suck... Oh wow, been a while since me last post here.A'ight, wut dis iz? There are many tools for working with disk images and each OS varies a bit.In the BSD world, even the command that does so can vary.In OpenBSD, the `vncon...

What Linux distribution do you use and why? Here's 3 I recently stumbled and read upon a little bit that am considering switching to (one of them).

20 Jan 2021 8 minute read 10 comments rhyzom

Throughout the years I've mostly stuck with Arch Linux (a very minimalist, build-it-yourself KISS type of distro), but lately have moved over to Manjaro - an Arch-derived distro that spares you the 3 days of editing .conf files and customizing your e...

UNIX Airdrop? 😗

24 Oct 2020 1 minute read 1 comment cMasta

Edit (2023): LOL I can't believe I used to do these. I didn't delete the post, but PSA 99.99999% of Telegram airdrops are scams. I haven't received a thing from any of them.Here is the post though from a naive cryptonaut:Hey all, here is a link to a...