
594 Articles 12 Followers

The BlackJack with conditions. @ Dcoder

21 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: Write a program to play a variety of BlackJack. In general, given two numbers, a and b, return their sum. If the sum is greater than 21, return 0, unless one of the numbers is 11. In such a case, the 11 should be 'converted' to a 1 to preven...

Learning Prime numbers with Loop/Recursion @ Dcoder

20 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: Raja Beta is bad at maths, his teacher always complaints about him.Help him in his prime numbers homework. Input: Two space separated positive integer m and n Output: Print all prime numbers p such that m

Let The Coding Games Begin

20 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments Hermitworldwide

About the no code worry-site. The code was already written by webflow, everything basically templated. It's good for those who don't care too much about the details, otherwise you’d need some basic coding skills to refine the details to your liking....

The light Switch @ Dcoder

16 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: There is a light bulb on the stairs, which has two switches. The light turns on if and only if one of them is on(binary 1) and other is off(binary 0).You are given combinations of these switch find whether the bulb glow or not? Input: Two bi...

The Triangle Game @ Dcoder

13 Jul 2023 1 minute read 2 comments Lochard

Problem: Glin was doing his maths homework , Rick came to his house. As Glin is week at Maths, Rick decided to help him in his homework. They both stuck at a problem of Right Angle Triangle. You have to help them both in this problem. Input is a Stri...

CodeWars C Kata - Double Char

12 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

DESCRIPTION: Given a string, you have to return a string in which each character (case-sensitive) is repeated once.   Examples (Input -> Output): * "String" -> "SSttrriinngg" * "Hello World" -> "HHeelllloo WWoorrlldd" * "1234!_ " -> "11223344!!__ " c...

The War of Problem Setters @ Dcoder

10 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: Garry and Sharry are colleague, assuming they work at Dcoder. They are our Problem Setters.One day we decide to judge their work. Both were given an assignment to make some problems to display at Dcoder, and they were awarded points based on...

Avik and his Girlfriend's Necklace @ Dcoder

9 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: Avik's Girlfriend is a Sorted Girl and she is also a Coder and loves arrays. So on her birthday Avik decided to gift her a necklace of pearls, now these pearls have numbers printed on them. When he bought the necklace its pearls were in sort...

They see me Palindroming @ Dcoder

7 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: In india there is a puzzle"5 characters my name, reverse- forward is the same." You will be presented with a 5 character String, you have to tell whether it satisfy above puzzle, if yes output "Yes" else "No" Input: Input is String S of 5 ch...

Toggle Me! @ Dcoder

6 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Lochard

Problem: Cody is very irritating child. He always change the characters in his homework, he has a trick. He change all small letter to capital and viceversa. His frinds gave him the title "The Toggle dude".One day his friends gave him some words, but...