
3 Articles 0 Followers

UPDATE - Burnt Hair is Coming

15 Jan 2023 1 minute read 1 comment RocketEnthusiast

Some of you may recall that back in October 2022, Elon Musk announced the sale of Burnt Hair perfume and boasted about it on Twitter, and going so far as to list his job as "perfume salesman" on his profile. I was one of the "30,000 dumb people" to p...

Aromatherapy. Why do you need aromadiagnostics?

12 Nov 2022 1 minute read 1 comment Ship Shard

The psychology of aroma is a very deep thing, interesting and informative.The video, in which Dinara succinctly and beautifully tells what aroma diagnostics is, invites everyone who is interested and needs it to go through it.


15 Nov 2020 6 minute read 0 comments IngoBreuer

Many people today use products like perfumes, eau de toilette and a wide range of other products that produce a good-smelling fragrance. Whenever you sense the smell of something it causes certain associations of thought in your mind. Something might...