
3 Articles 0 Followers

The Fed's Interest Rate Hikes Will Crash The Crypto Market, But Only Temporarily

6 May 2022 4 minute read 0 comments Brennan

Earlier this week the Federal Reserve announced that they will be increasing the benchmark interest rate by 0.5%. This news was followed by a short-lived rally in the markets, and then a crash of nearly 5% the following day. A lot of people are nervo...

US Debt $30 Trillion / Debt To GDP 134%

2 Feb 2022 2 minute read 2 comments SweptOverNiagara

I published an article a couple of months ago announcing that the U.S. federal debt surpassed $29 Trillion. In just that brief period of time since, $1 Trillion was added and for the first time ever, US federal debt has surpassed $30 Trillion! It fin...

The item of Federal Revenue is to transition formatting similar to the one used in Japan

26 Apr 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Alidervash

The item of Federal Revenue is to transition formatting similar to the one used in Japan, whereby brokerage corporation skill and pass on the information to the Treasury. Actually, it testament be easier to command the operations, because today, the...