
14 Articles 0 Followers

Patents are killing new innovations in energy sector

23 May 2024 2 minute read 0 comments Bala

I always have this feeling that when people discover something and get a patent on that, they either take time to execute that discovery in the market in the form of products or they don't do that at all and just hold patents alone. I have heard that...

Discover the liminal

10 May 2024 1 minute read 0 comments HavokWAR

We search for the somber twilight of existence, where day bleeds softly into night, There lies a place, ethereal and faint, a threshold out of sight. It's the liminal, a borderland, where shadows dance with light, A place of neither here nor there, w...

Goodwill Finds for the End of Year

31 Dec 2023 1 minute read 1 comment WinterYeti

I talked earlier this week about really useful life hacks, and I do practice what I preach. Today was a nice Saturday weekend run with my daughter off to the local Goodwill with a jam-packed parking lot, and an even bigger line of people donating. Th...

Penetration in the digital world - Old Snob Sing

4 Jan 2023 3 minute read 0 comments Alther

Artificial Intelligence, is a bridge to prove humans to the world of technology. Computerization bursts loudly to create a frightening robotic world. Acting as a substitute for humans but it is feared that they will completely annihilate the humans w...

3,000-Year-Old Tablet with God's Name Affirms Biblical Timeline

25 Apr 2022 1 minute read 0 comments NewCreationCapital

  The discovery, announced Thursday by Scott Stripling of the Archaeological Studies Institute at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas, involves a folded lead tablet about two centimeters by centimeters in size with 40 letters of Hebrew inscription tha...

A Simple Bowl of Jello

3 Sep 2021 12 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

Having a layman's curious interest in the full spectrum of science related to cosmology, astrophysics, quantum theory, and the great scientific minds associated; the following is a fictional story of one research scientist's account of what is to be...

From Material Discovery to Material Design and The Role of Computers

14 Mar 2021 4 minute read 1 comment 0fajarpurnama0

Note This is one of my Doctoral assignment from Current Science and Technology in Japan Course which has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy...

(IJCH) Star Trek Discovery Season 3 begins on Netflix!

17 Oct 2020 1 minute read 1 comment JaiChai

  Source IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings) Source From the Author: Salutations. I am JaiChai. And if I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance now. Source...

Publish0x Got Talent. E02

22 Sep 2020 3 minute read 16 comments ProngsDark

Hi there everybody. It's been a long time since the last time we delved into the depths of Publish0x in search of a talented author that might not be that passionate about crypto and programming but has a lot to offer in other departments. This week...

Publish0x got talent. E01

12 Sep 2020 3 minute read 31 comments ProngsDark

Hi! Welcome to the first episode of Publish0x got talent, I'm your host, Alexandru, and tonight we're kicking off this new and amazing series where I aim to dig out, from the depths of this platform, some obscure and talented author. As you know lif...