3 Articles 0 Followers

Algunos sistemas operativos basados en Unix que tal vez no conocías: BSD y sus derivados / Some Unix-based operating systems you may not have known about: BSD and its derivatives

4 Sep 2023 10 minute read 2 comments marjuanm

Hola que tal a todos, sean bienvenidos a este nuevo artículo que espero les sea de mucha utilidad.   Tiempo atrás redacté algunos artículos sobre algunos sistemas operativos muy conocidos y que dieron origen a la informática actual. Uno de estos sist...

GNU, Linux, BSD: FLOSS mythology and folklore

3 Aug 2022 2 minute read 0 comments GG-Off

History and origins of popular UNIX-like systems   Linus Torvalds started Linux (then intended to be named Freax, for freedom, freak, and the X of UNIX – reminiscent from the older phreax of phone freaks, the hackers' grandparents) in the early 90's...

Mounting Files as Disks on OpenBSD

25 Oct 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Hatty Hacker

Because real disks suck... Oh wow, been a while since me last post here.A'ight, wut dis iz? There are many tools for working with disk images and each OS varies a bit.In the BSD world, even the command that does so can vary.In OpenBSD, the `vncon...