SNX to be listed on OKEx


We’re pleased to announce SNX will be listed for trading on OKEx against USDT and ETH!

SNX deposits will go live at 4:00am, July 24. Spot trading will be enabled from 7:00am, July 24. SNX withdrawals will be available at 9:00am on July 27. All times are in UTC.

If you have any questions, please visit the OKEx website or come join the Synthetix Discord.

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Synthetix Network
Synthetix Network

Synthetix Network (SNX) is a decentralised synthetic asset platform that provides on-chain exposure to real-world currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices $SNX $sUSD $sBTC #DeFi #OpFi

Synthetix Network Blog
Synthetix Network Blog

A decentralised synthetic asset platform that provides on-chain exposure to real-world currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices $SNX $sUSD $sBTC #defi #opfi

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