
Water Theft

By Satan19 | Stunning Research | 31 Aug 2020

Water is one of the most important resource for living beings. In the midst of climate crisis we are faced with shortage of water and intense droughts leading to geo-political tensions and possible armed conflict. Research led by A. Loch concludes:

  • Water theft term refers to improperly siphoning off water on large scale disrupting supplies to other by large agricultural industry
  • 30-50% of world’s water is stolen
  • This “grand theft water” remains misunderstood and underappreciated by governments

• Marijuana cropping in Northern California
• Strawberry plantation in the Doñana marshlands in southern Spain
• Cotton growing in the Barwon-Darling River system in central Australia

Though all these business are highly profitable, they are also water-intensive, and they take place in the regions where water can be unpredictably scarce, creating a perfect definition for water theft.

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