Earn Bitcoin with Blingfi

By geraldst | geraldst | 8 Jun 2020

Blingfi or Bling Financial is a platform that rewards you in bitcoin (satoshis) for playing games. You must be wondering if this is all real. Even I had that dilemma. Well, it is not a scam! You genuinely can earn with Bling.

Bling already has about 1.4 million daily users, with 2.5 billion Bling points paid out and has more than 25,000 reviews.

Bling offers you 3 dapps where you can play games and win on android

  • Bitcoin Solitaire
  • Bitcoin Blast
  • Bitcoin Blocks


Bitcoin Solitaire

Made by PlayDay Studios
Not only is this essential Solitaire card game addicting and fun to play, you will get rewarded with Bling Points that can be exchanged for Bitcoin. The amount you receive will be very small, but the more you play, the more you will earn!

Bitcoin Blast

Not only is this match-three mobile game fun to play, you will get rewarded with Bling Points that can be redeemed for Bitcoin. The amount you receive will be very small, but the more you play, the more you will earn!

Even though these are 3 very different apps, all these apps are connected within and the coins you earn will be cumulative. You can choose to cash out every 7 days. So you can play for 7 days and accumulate your earnings and then withdraw!

Bling only allows withdrawal to Coinbase  account. If you don't have a Coinbase  account, feel free to use my referral link given here.


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I'm a guy from India looking for his space in the crypto world.


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