All-in-one Crypto Analytics Dashboard, Worth Sharing

By stvleong | Steven Leong | 20 Jul 2020

Cryptocurrency traders generally spend hours every day looking for an ‘edge’ and relevant information that is useful, actionable, and unbiased to help them make good trading decisions. Most of them feel a fear of missing out or profitable trades. I was one of them!

I guess this platform can help to release the stress of investors, traders, and fund managers by making better decisions to their investments through data-driven models & data science tools.

Bitcurate PRO features:
1. Instant Global Crypto News Alerts
Providing all the latest & breaking news from reliable sources all together from Digital asset industry. Helping me to be the first to know the most important news and information on Bitcoin, and as well as crypto.

‍2. Social - Influencer Highlights
Gathering social media posts and thoughts from all the industry influencers in a place. I don’t need to scroll here and there.

3. Blockchain Transaction Alert
I can get easily the crypto-prices from the top market pairs from the top exchanges, globally.

‍4. Crypto Price Alerts
Now I can easily feel the pulse by monitoring transactions of blockchain wallets; movements and transactions.

‍5. Exchanges Order-Books Alert
It helps me to understand the market ticks by understanding exchanges liquidity, buy/sell order, open interest directly.

‍6. Fear & Greed Sentiment
Fear and greed drive market emotion. Tracking this number enables me to understand the market’s emotions.

They are also working on-

  • Cryptocurrency sentiment
  • Exchanges order-book analysis
  • DeFI yield % and transaction analysis
  • Portfolio risk management
  • Macro global trends
  • Derivatives Trading analysis

Big decisions need to be guided by unbiased, proven, and reliable insights. Bitcurate is providing me that. I am very proud to be the First 100 customers to get the discount. They are having a supersale and providing 2-years subscription for $200 which is worth $2400!


Unlock your Special Promotion now :

I really love this all-in-one crypto analytics platform Bitcurate PRO which is providing real-time global crypto news from reliable sources, highlights from crypto influencers, price alerts, whale-wallets movements, market sentiments, and much more all together into a single platform.

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I'm a Digital Marketing Lead | Crypto Trader | Affiliate Marketer and love to write posts related to crypto and anything that is interesting.

Steven Leong
Steven Leong

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