Publish0x - Ideas for a Platform

Hello everyone! We know Publish0x is already a great platform in itself. Many are always coming up with ideas, trying to collaborate with growth, and that's very good.

I only bring some ideas that I've been thinking, I don't know if that would change the focus of Publish0x, but I would like to share!

1 - I thought of an area where members could use (if they wanted) their winnings in a fast up / down game. This could multiply your tips or decrease depending on the hits. (There would be no deposits, just use of your earnings on the platform)




Ps: In that case, you could have a rank of the highest scorers to get interesting.


2- I see some talking about the percentage of earnings that readers attribute 80% to themselves and 20% to the author. (Don't bother everyone)

2.1- In this case to 'prevent' this from happening, you could keep the default 50% by 50%, where the reader does not fall below 50%, having the option to keep or increase.


2.2 - Maintain 20% by 80%, but if the reader gives 20% to the author, he will automatically choose to earn only one reward. Example 20% for author: 80% DAI for the reader and 20% of the 3 other currencies for the author.

3- Rank of the best content (Quality). It would encourage the improvement of written content.

1st place: special reward. Only for him could he have the option to donate 100% of some currency.


Just a few ideas,

Hugs to all!

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