StealthEX to Be Integrated into Omega Wallet

StealthEX to Be Integrated into Omega Wallet

By StealthEX | StealthEX Blog | 21 Mar 2023

StealthEX, an instant non-custodial crypto platform, has successfully entered into a new partnership with an EVM-based Omega Wallet, a secure blockchain wallet that supports Aptos. The wallet integrated StealthEX to help its users swap crypto within their interface. Now, the process of exchanging your assets will be a lot simpler. The promising collaboration is the coming together of two leading crypto projects towards ensuring a smoother experience for crypto users.

About StealthEX Non-Custodial Crypto Exchange

StealthEX is an instant cryptocurrency exchange for limitless swaps. It allows users to exchange digital assets without having to register, or verify their accounts. When users initiate the coin swap, StealthEX searches the market to find the exchange that offers the best value and sends the order to that platform. As StealthEX is non-custodial, it does not store user’s funds on the platform.

The StealthEX platform is rich in digital assets: it supports 700+ coins and tokens, including Bitcoin (BTC), Cardano (ADA), Aptos (APT), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), and many more cryptocurrencies that are rarely found in external wallets. The platform calculates a fixed fee for each transaction and does not use a spread. The final fee is determined by various factors, including the cryptocurrency being exchanged, network fees, and others.

About Secure and Friendly Omega Wallet Solution

The most recent StealthEX partner Omega Wallet is one of the latest solutions for storing, receiving, sending, and cross-chain swapping digital assets. It is a trustworthy non-custodial blockchain wallet that supports Aptos, SUI, EVM-based blockchains, and can be seen as a gateway to the Web3 world. Connecting via Omega to dApps is safe – just take your account, data, and tokens from app to app. 

Omega Wallet lets you easily access your activity history, send tokens and even NFTs, manage your NFT collection, and swap assets. It also lets its users connect with their preferred blockchains – is an all-in-one solution. It’s important to note that the wallet does not track or store any of their customers’ information. The wallet can be downloaded for a variety of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and MS Edge. 

StealthEX to Be Integrated into Omega Wallet

Swap Crypto on StealthEX Within Omega Wallet

By establishing partnerships with innovative crypto projects, such as Omega Wallet, StealthEX ensures their users can use the best solutions on the market and enjoy the benefits of state-of-the-art companies. Starting today, wallet users don’t have to use any third-party application or even open StealthEX – you can now swap cryptocurrencies within the wallet, securely and smoothly.

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Don’t forget to do your own research before buying any crypto. The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author.

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