Swap Crypto Effortlessly with StealthEX Integration into YSL.IO

StealthEX Has Been Integrated into Cross-Chain Swap Aggregator ChainZap by YSL.IO

By StealthEX | StealthEX Blog | 26 May 2023

StealthEX, an instant crypto exchange, is glad to announce its strategic partnership with YSL.IO, a DeFi 3.0 protocol and a cross-chain swap aggregator. 

With the sets of goals in common, StealthEX has been integrated into ChainZap´s service, which will let the partners offer effortless swapping. Through this partnership, both StealthEX and YSL.IO will have opportunities to reach out to more customers.

About StealthEX Non-Custodial Crypto Exchange

StealthEX is a non-custodial instant digital asset exchange platform that allows for unlimited and seamless trades. You may effortlessly swap digital assets with StealthEX without having to sign up for the service or verify your account. The service calculates a fixed fee for each transaction. StealthEX is proud of being fully transparent about its policies, and the service shows the exact amount of cryptocurrency and all possible fees before a user decides to initiate a swap.


StealthEX has a vast selection of crypto assets, including 1000+ coins and tokens, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), Tron (TRX), and many more, as well as an astounding amount of uncommon cryptocurrencies, some of which are difficult to find while browsing other platforms. For each transaction, the service generates a predetermined cost. StealthEX takes pride in being completely transparent and user-friendly.

About YSL.IO Cross-Chain DeFi Aggregator

The new StealthEX partner YSL.IO is one of the latest solutions for token exchange between different blockchains. YSL.IO offers a new innovative liquidity aggregation protocol called ChainZap, which allows their prospective customers to get access to 18 different aggregators, offering the best rates across 32 leading chains. 

Additionally, ChainZap generates its revenue from the positive slippage of transactions, so its customers can enjoy zero-fee transactions. Instead of charging a fixed fee, the protocol’s fee structure is based on the positive slippage of each swap, 50% is allocated to the team for further development and growth of the protocol, 25% is used to contribute to the treasury-owned liquidity for the USDy token (USDy-USDC), and the remaining 25% is sent to the Treasury in USDC. 


The protocol includes a number of leading chains such as BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Fantom, Avalanche, Optimism, Aurora, Celo, Cronos, Bitcoin, Monero, Beam, Zcash, etc. The time it takes to complete a cross-chain swap using ChainZap varies and is typically between 2-10 minutes. With this innovative solution, YSL.IO customers don’t have to search for the best price manually – cross-chain token exchange is effortless and as easy as ordering a cup of coffee.

Swap Crypto Effortlessly with StealthEX Integration into YSL.IO

Through this exciting partnership, both StealthEX and YSL.IO will have opportunities to provide valuable crypto services to more customers. You can expand your crypto portfolio by exchanging your digital assets within YSL.IO – StealthEX is now part of it. To use the YSL.IO platform, users simply need to connect their wallet and select the tokens they wish to swap and the desired destination chain. The protocol then executes the swap, utilizing its innovative positive fee model to support its treasury-owned liquidity. Earn, swap, or buy NFTs with YSL.IO. 

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Don’t forget to do your own research before buying any crypto. The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author.

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