Will The Dollar Be Replaced?

By StarkMatan | StarkMatan: Crypto News | 10 Sep 2024

In one of the events where our great yellow leader spoke, Mr. Trump said that he will lift sancions off of Russia and Iran, because this two markets are very important, and he doesn´t want to lose them to China. Loosing them, per his words, would put dollar´s financial hegemony at risk.


We can speculate and debete a lot about mister Trump and his comments, about if dictatorships are  that important to USA(in particular) and global(in general) economics and currency. But, as I like to say, let´s not use words - use numbers, thay don´t lie!

So, mister make America great again(again), has also said that he will tax 100% all countries that will denounce dollar, meaning that he is very well interested in keeping dollar relevant, and is very concerned about it´s failing impact in the global economy. But since reading this articles, I can´t help but wonder, is the dollar really failing? Is this a tendecy that is too late to change, are guys from BRICS right, is dollar doomed?

And to answer that question, as I mentioned, let´s look into the numbers:


So, as it stends in 2024, dollar has more allocated resources around the world, that the rest of other currencies combined. I will leave you to make your own conclusion of it.

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