Will 2024 US Elections Impact Bitcoin Price?

According to "AllianceBernstein" (an institution who provides services to investors), the bitcoin price could be very much affected by the results of upcoming elections. If America is made "great again[again]" then we are looking for 90k range, and if we will have first-time lady president - a price near 30k. The bullet-points for that, are mostly based on things Trump said at various events, but as the saying goes, it's not the same person - the candidate and the actual president, at first you say things and make promises to cater for specific catagories, but when you actually win - you have responsibilities that render some of your promises not possible, even if you were saying truth all along the way (and of course we know that politicians wouldn't lie to us, right?). I've pasted the original article at the resources tab, so go ahead and read that if you are interested.

I'm not here to speculate on this matter. But that article has pondered a question to me. Did it happen before? How previous elections have impacted the price of Bitcoin? Let's take a look!

2020 United States presidential election


Let´s take a look at numbers - they don´t lie. And the numbers on the graph tell us, that results of elections did little to nothing to the price of our digital gold - BTC. There is a major spike few month in. But that is the bull run mostly affected by Covid-19 and more demand for digital payment, services etc. 


2016 United States presidential election

Same can be said of Trump-Hilary elections: there is not much of an impact by the election results per se, but there is a spike afterwards and that is also because of the bull-run we expereinced during that time. 2015 to 2017 was a rise in media and mainstream coveredge of bitcoin and crypto in general.




Me personally, I don´t think that we will experience panic in crypto markets if Kamala wins, nor we will have a euphoric sentiment if Trumps. The prices might fluctuate a bit, but I think that it will not have a substantial effect. Tell me what do you think in the comments and thanks for the read!

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StarkMatan: Crypto News
StarkMatan: Crypto News

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