Who is the person behind Telegram?

By B. Em | Stack of Sticks | 3 Oct 2024

Youve possibly heard of Telegram but have you ever heard of Pavel Durov? Pavel first created the platform VK.com which is one of the biggest social media sites in Russia and Ukraine, it came about before Facebook was even a thing. He left Russia after certain political parties asked him to provide data on people. He rejected their request to divulge information to political parties in that region and so he left that part of the world. He then created Telegram along with his brother who was and still is an exceptional coder and a master in encryption. Whenever he would travel to different countries he would notice that he would get questioned by government agencies. He didnt particularly like this so eventually he landed and stayed in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai to be exact. He says that since the UAE is somewhat geopolitically neutral his experience there has been enjoyable. He was also able to hire people from different parts of the world without all the roadblocks and beaurocracy that the European countries would place when he tried to hire people from abroad. To this date hes been approached by different "agencies" which have urged him to comply to to their requests but states that he has largely ignored those requests. He says he doesnt really own any big assets like jets or real estate which is understable given the position hes taken worldwide. He was recently a target by the French government, although he was released from custody. He is also a firm believer of Bitcoin and has held Bitcoin for more than a decade.

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B. Em
B. Em

Believer of freedom

Stack of Sticks
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