Can a Crypto Exchange become a World Superpower??

By B. Em | Stack of Sticks | 5 Jun 2024

Heres the video script - I feel like the "Entities" has to have its hand and model within these crypto companies as soon as possible and have them under its thumb by buying them off and over-quote-unquote. Once these crypto exchanges are oversold, they basically belong to the government, and they have everyone's data, including those that don't necessarily belong to the country that's placing certain regulations. Because, as we all know, the crypto exchanges have face recognition software and your ID, photo, and data. If the government wants to know how much capital you hold or freeze your account for whatever reason, they can just tell the crypto exchange they oversee to freeze this individual act. As weve seen already with certian protesters, comedians, etc., even if we were to move onto the age of AI, where most working people would be replaced, they would have almost everyone under their thumb. Even if they do decide to shrink the government size in the future, what would the alternative look like? The crypto exchanges basically have all the money now; crypto is worth more than any paper money currently circulating in the globe, that will make them hold basically all the power, so they know that power is shifting toward corporations; they just want those corporations to be a government entity under the guise of a corp, if you know what I mean, so what im saying is the crypto exchanges would have the power to basically do anything they want, a crypto exchange decides, and we want to put an astronaut on the moon and decide to fund their own mission, that is way too far out there; the government doesn't want that; that would be far from an ideal scenario to them; they want to prevent something like that happening before it actually happens; and the astronaut thing was just an example. It can be applied to a wide array of things, whether they decide to fund free education for everyone in the world without any sort of bias or indoctrination, or if they decide to fund the next big a.i. corporation, not Intel, not Boston Dynamics,  but a brand new company that exceeds every other company's earnings and growth because of the fact that it won't have an agenda; the government doesn't want an exchange or the owner of an exchange to have that much power in the world. Just a thought.--

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B. Em
B. Em

Believer of freedom

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