By Music Light | Sound Of Crypto | 25 Jan 2021

dj the anvil Banner

Who is this dj THE ANVIL ?


madmax and a French dj, of Polish origin, he lived the beginning of his life in the Parisian regions, where he participated in several of his first rave parties as a spectator.

"A passion is created thanks to everything it's event, he knew what direction to take for his life and decided to make it work whatever the price."


Masters of creativity and ingenuity to start his career as a dj he knew how to get hired and a major brand of tour operators, he knew how to stand out in the circles of professional dj and knew how to achieve several artistic seasons in several countries over several months.

Back in France, because travel is very complicated with the times that run during the pandemic, he was able to fall back on his paw.


Between industrial techno and Berlin, or with hip-hop sets, the anvil has a lot of strings to its bow and will surprise you with hearing pearls just for your little love ears.

He will surprise you with his dj mixes which are uploaded on the soundcloud streaming platform an link is available : HERE
You can find him live on twitch every day of the week: HERE


As a world pandemic music and touching full face, many artists we decide to change their voice, a lot of professionals we have to close their business, our goal and to be able to give them a little light in everything is ambient darkness, and help show the world their art!


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if you also don't want to see the culture wither away with the covid follow us on our social networks, we will try to change things together :







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Sound Of Crypto
Sound Of Crypto

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