Harley Poe

Songs I Love: You're A Witch - Harley Poe

By The Sad King Billy | Songs I Love | 3 Apr 2021

Punk lovers tune in. Hailing from Indiana, Harley Poe has been described as "horror folk" and its truly the most apt description there is of their style; with many of their songs revolving around the macabre and the uncomfortably grimy aspects of existing on this dirty blue ball. To Harley Poe, mankind isn't necessarily irredeemable, just incorrigible.

This song, off their latest LP "7 Inches of Hell", is a crass and stomping condemnation of a women who's love feels more like a trap. Less enrapturing and more ensnaring but the emotion of desire is just the same. Joe Whitford (the singer/guitarist/ and lead of the band) delivers the lyrics with a drawling whine that is somehow both apathetic and energetic at the same time, reminiscent of the Violent Femmes at their best. If there's any fans of punk rock who miss a sound that's a little more in your face and not so intentionally manufactured there is plenty of good Harley Poe content worth checking out and I hope this single serves as a good entry point for you.

If you're already a fan of Harley Poe sound off in the comments and let me know some of your favorite tunes. If there's any other music you'd like me to check out to potentially get it's own "Songs I love" submission feel free to share. I'm always looking for new music.


Stay cool.




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The Sad King Billy
The Sad King Billy

Guitarist, YouTuber, music lover. https://linktr.ee/TheSadKingBilly

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